Welcome to my website! 


I'm thrilled to announce the publication of my debut novel 'The Phoenix Tree'


The Phoenix Tree

Angela Fitch's debut novel

is available as an Ebook or in paperback here!


The Phoenix Tree

Set in Botswana in the post war years, this compelling tale of

loyalty, disloyalty and survival is an absolute must read!


Connie Heritage lives in an ordinary house, in a nondescript road in a market town which looks much like any other market town. 

When the Second World War ends and her childhood sweetheart comes home they will be married, live in a nice little house where Connie hopes she will raise a family. 


But that's not the happy ever after life that fate has in store.



Angela Fitch

So often we find ourselves committed to all sorts of things which prevent us from pursuing our dreams.

A broken leg meant that I faced six weeks without driving and  advised to keep my leg elevated this was a perfect opportunity to write.

My top tip to anyone starting out on a writing career is to persevere. It's amazing how a project takes shape, even if we have just a few minutes every day to devote to it. 


The Phoenix Tree is my first full length novel and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Kind words from readers  

Thank you !


“...a beautifully engrossing story.”

Jason Roughley

"This story is a real page turner."

Sue Johnson

"A really enjoyable and worthwhile read."


"You will not want to put it down."


"...a maze of twists and turns to a conclusion that left me satisfied"


"An absolute page turner, couldn't put it down until the end!"



Contact me!

It's always lovely to hear from my readers.


Pershore, United Kingdom

About Angela


Angela Fitch lives in rural Worcestershire

with her husband and No. 1 supporter, Ken.


Starting her writing career as a media contributor for the small business community, she embarked on her journey to become a writer of fiction in 2014, when a broken fibular put a stop to the constant running around and kick started her entry into fiction by way of a local short story competition. 


Since then Angela has found success with other pieces and enouraged by this embarked on her first full length novel, publishing The Phoenix Tree in 2021. To date positive feedback received from readers who prefer their page turners to include a little romance, but not too much and plenty of twists, turns and intrigue along the way.


Angela says that whilst writing may be challenging it's not impossible and  urges anyone who is  on the brink of putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, to give it their best shot.


Angela is available as a guest speaker to  local groups to talk about her journey from broken leg to published author.

Email Angela Here