Angela's first novel


Angela's love of photography led her to write a short introductory guide to street photography.


The genre known as Street photography, Angela says, isn't particularly difficult, but it does take a certain kind of confidence to head on out and photograph strangers without causing a fuss of, indeed, offence.


Most people don't mind having their photograph taken, but there is an etiquette to be observed, especially around vulnerable and young people. This little book explains best practice in the genre.


Street Photography is a digital book, downloaded to help budding street photographers find the best locations and capture the most creative shots.


Currently, Street Photography is available as a free digital download. Hit the Contact Me button below for your copy.


Personal projects

Angela embarked on her first photographic personal project: '2020 Women of Vision'.

The body of the project was 20 images of women who had made it in, what could be considered, a 'man's' world.

Barrister, builder, brewster, surgeon, dentist, golf pro, priest, engineer, equine vet, small business owner, cyber security professional, entrepreneur, senior police officer, paramedic, firefighter, undertaker, entertainer, footballer, broadcaster and CEO of a regional charity, each told their unique story, which often included a fight for the right to be part of their chosen profession. Many were trailblazers and every single one is a shining example of the possible.

Angela's exhibition opened at The Hive, Worcester to coincide with International Women's Day in March 2020 and was a huge success. Sadly lockdown and the pandemic put paid to the proposed tour that was to follow and the original works are now in storage. However, the stories of 2020 Woman of Vision are available in a slim volume available on Amazon.

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."  George Eliot

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