Top Writing Tips from Angela Fitch writer

Discover essential tips to enhance your writing skills and gain confidence in the craft.

Keep at it!

It's all too easy to put everything from walking the dog to reorganising the garage in front of some well deserved 'me time'.

Be prepared to allocate some time every day, even if it's just 15 minutes, to work on your own project. Do that for a month and it tots up to an eight hour day! 


Read, read, read as a writer, discover how successful authors build their plots and characters, how their chapters are crafted and what makes a good book cover.


Set short, medium and long term targets.

The prospect of writing 100k words is nothing short of daunting, so be prepared to take it in stages. the National Novel Writing Month is a useful tool to draft 50k words, it doesn't matter if you don't make it right to the end, but having a deadline is a great incentive to put the hours in.

With 50k words under your belt, you're halfway there!  

Re-writes and proof reading

'The End' is in sight. Thirty chapters and 90k+ words on the page and it's almost done. Well, sorry to say, not quite.

Read it and read it again. Print it off and edit, ask trusted friends and family to read it and you're not looking for compliments, they need to be honest and tell you what still needs work, even a typo, it's got to be right before it reaches the next stage, which is professional proofreading.  

Proofreading is essential and nobody can proofread their own work. Check local writing groups to find somebody who knows how to proofread but won't charge a fortune!